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I just made this recipe! It is to make delicious cookies! Anyone can eat these cookies! Even cats. However, Even if cats can eat them you can too. My cat Loves them.meow-my cat I know this isnt some revolutionary recipe, but I put a lot of work into it. I thinK Its like my chilD Now. Something to know About is that PeoPle will say this is bad but I assurE you that evrything is fine. me and my cat are fine. Dont worry.
Just kidding! Cookies are really good and my family doesnt really make stuff from scratch other than cookies. Its one of the only recipes I dont mind making. I think my mom just got it on the internet somewhere but it is still special to me. Most of the time they are flat and hard BUT sometimes when you do it correctly, it will be somewhat flat BUT THEY STAY SOFT AND GOOD so yeah, its special. I really don't care about how the cookies are made, I just want to eat them.-my brother. As long as I don't need to help make them. -My dad.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec tortor tincidunt, pretium tortor vel, ultricies neque. Morbi ut lobortis eros. Maecenas urna mauris, ullamcorper ac pharetra ac, rhoncus in dui. Sed vitae diam quam. Vivamus porta elit ac neque fringilla cursus. Quisque non lacus ipsum. Maecenas ultrices vel nibh at maximus. Vivamus molestie turpis et nisi ultrices porttitor. Sed suscipit vel sapien sit amet accumsan. Maecenas auctor vitae est non vulputate. Maecenas sed dictum dui, ac fermentum tellus. Donec semper leo id ligula molestie, eu posuere arcu ultricies. Fusce orci sapien, ullamcorper nec sapien quis, porta cursus eros. Quisque elementum dapibus varius. Vivamus elit eros, rhoncus vel pharetra ac, laoreet vitae dui. Vivamus tincidunt vitae ante facilisis hendrerit. Donec posuere eu libero sit amet commodo. Aenean erat erat, aliquam vitae quam a, imperdiet rhoncus arcu. Integer nulla leo, condimentum vitae ex sed, tempor consectetur tortor. Morbi iaculis magna et augue pharetra, ac faucibus odio congue. Cras facilisis, urna et lacinia varius, sapien magna eleifend ante, eu vulputate elit justo sed magna. Vivamus iaculis aliquam elementum. Quisque scelerisque massa sed blandit maximus. Vestibulum interdum justo nulla, at cursus ex feugiat et. Donec quis arcu nibh. Phasellus metus odio, porta hendrerit velit nec, porttitor pharetra dolor. Quisque id ipsum magna. Nulla scelerisque, orci sit amet tristique ultrices, neque risus dictum metus, sit amet dictum orci lectus nec nisl. Fusce id posuere purus. Mauris condimentum velit et rhoncus porttitor. Phasellus felis nunc, consequat vel orci ac, luctus volutpat tortor. Vivamus sit amet facilisis sem, at gravida sem. Curabitur vel posuere lectus. Duis id libero convallis, sollicitudin dolor a, fermentum urna. Nullam ac semper tellus, vel facilisis neque. Sed laoreet dignissim urna ut fermentum. Nunc scelerisque bibendum est faucibus posuere. Donec laoreet interdum risus, eu finibus libero gravida nec. Proin placerat volutpat augue, non sollicitudin dolor interdum sed. Ut placerat, lectus et ullamcorper tincidunt, dui mi tincidunt est, ut interdum massa ante ut diam. Phasellus condimentum mi augue, sit amet mollis eros convallis et. Vivamus molestie purus ipsum, suscipit lobortis nulla iaculis non. Morbi ultrices, mi sit amet pretium sagittis, ante turpis consequat lorem, quis laoreet felis nisi nec quam.

Tips and tricks


Ingredients amount
Butter Fifteen tablespoons of butter (melted)
Sugar 1 1/2 cup
brown sugar 1 tablespoon
vanilla extract 2 tablespoons
egg 2 egg
flour 2 1/4 cup
Bake soda 1 teaspoon
salt 1/2 teaspoon
Chocolate chip 1 bag


  1. preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Add the sugar and vanilla to the bowl with the butter. after those are mixed then add the eggs last
  3. mix the flour, baking soda and salt together, if you want chocolate chipsadd thsoe in too.
  4. once the dough is well, dough consistency you would make the cookies into small balls (about size of the space between your fingers when your pointer and thumb are put together)
  5. heat in oven for 8-12 minutes
  6. let them cool before serving!

This can make around 25-30 cookies and take only around half an hour (minus butter melting)

I hope you liked ThiS reciPe! Oh! please recommend thIS tO your frieNds!