The Wordpress Project
This project was a very odd process for me. I wasnt used to just being able to do whatever I wanted and just kind of being able to figure it out myself. I got to see the limitations of making websites the ‘easy way’ and I learned a lot. The process for actually creating the website was quite confusing and I had a lot of bumps along the way but it eventually turned into something I would be proud of.
- GitHub is a website that is used for creating a portfolio or just making websites for free. It, like WordPress is a great way to get into making websites and makes it a whole lot easier for people newer to coding/just using terminal.
Barnes and Noble
- The Barnes and Noble website is an online version of the in-person store. You can buy books and other things from the website. My project was heavily inspired by the website and their features. I think it is a more realistic version of what I made for my project and I really love the store.
- AirBNB is a website where you can find places to stay like people renting out houses for vaction. It allows people to rent out their estate or place so others can buy it. This website can have a reputation for being kind of sketchy and like a scam. My website was supposed to be more of a joke website with seemingly innocent intentions, but as you look into the website further, the facade seems to fall apart, similar to AirBNB. I don’t think AirBNB itself is a scam, but the people who advertise their places and homes can make you pay way more than necessary which gives it a bad reputation.